Financial Support
At Ekklesia of Crane, we receive tithes and offerings a little differently than many fellowships. All monies donated are designated as "tithe" or "offering" by the giver. We use those terms only to help distinguish the purpose for the money. "Tithes" are distributed to those who bring the bread and wine (the Word) to God's people corporately. "Offerings" are used to maintain our facilities and other more physical needs, such as the electric bill and even the upkeep of this website.
If you are receiving ministry through the Word by means of this website, you might consider donating a portion of your tithe to bless those who labor in this work.
If you feel led to help support the physical needs of our fellowship, consider giving an offering toward that purpose.
Here is a short teaching concerning the scriptural basis for the way we handle tithes and offerings: "The Melchizedek Tithe"